Make MORE with the Owners you have right now!

FREE PDF Guide- 33 PM Owners Fees charged over Australia, New Zealand and the USA.

“It’s much easier to add on 2-3 extra owner fees to your overall fee structure than to increase your management fee!”- Darren Hunter

The extra fees you could be charging are all revealed in what is likely the most comprehensive property management owner fee guide ever released over Australia, New Zealand and the USA.

Darren Hunter is an expert who has worked with hundreds of PM companies over the three countries, increasing fees successfully with hundreds of thousands of property owners and getting ‘end of month’ fee income results from an extra $3000 per month to a whopping $40,000 per month EXTRA with the same amount of properties/doors as before.

When we work with any PM company our overall aim is to find an EXTRA $500 (plus) per property/door per year.
Contact Darren on to do a FREE fee analysis on your PM Company to see what extra fee increase potential you have or book direct into Darren’s online diary here for a chat .

Download NOW- 33 PM Owner Fees Charged in Australia, New Zealand and the USA.

A comprehensive guide by Darren Hunter.

Here’s what you’ll LEARN when you DOWNLOAD this FREE PDF Guide-
  • Six different management fee types
  • Nine different fee types for leasing and marketing of the rental property
  • ​Four different inspection fee types
  • Twelve different other ‘add-on’ fee types
  • ​Two different fee package types
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